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Hi friends, Merits- science is very useful for us. Without science, we don't know about our world. Every place of the world has science. By this, our great scientists are searching anything. Also by this, some human went on the moon.

Demerits- By the science human depends on it. Nuclear bombs are created. Environment is polluted. Humans have no work to do.

MERITS: Indians are developing because of science. Science is important because we are totally dependent on comfort. Because of science man has invented so many machines to make life more comfortable. Science gives more ideas for developing our knowledge.

DEMERITS: Science reduces human effort, by using electronic gadgets current consuming is more. People also dependent on electronic gadgets. Nuclear science is used for making nuclear bombs.

According to me, science is boon as well as bane. It's upto us that we use it in a +ve or a -ve way.

Merits:-The present is an age of scientific advancement nd technology. Man has invented wonderful machines to make life more comfortable. A large no. Of advantages of science have so far been sung evidently, there is harder any field where science is not required.

-ve points:-As we are using science we are equally losing. As science is giving life to people (medical science) on the other side it is equally horryfying. Ok!Let me give you an example, we all are familiar with news of atomic bombings on Hiroshima nd Nagasaki. In that incident million of civilians lost their life.

Conclusion:-It is rightly said that a coin has two sides nd it is depend on evil mind of msn that they prove science as a blessing or curse.

In my opinion, science is always boon because science only gives information about the beautiful Univers but that bad human mind uses that information for their ideas belonging to destroyed.

We know that nuclear science is used for nuclear energy to reduce the use of resources but at that same time, bad human mind will use nuclear science in making of bombs.

In my opinion, behind every developed country there is a hand of science. Yeah, science is definitely a boon. We just can't imagine our life without science. Not going very far, just give a look around yourself, we can find that we need science on our every move. From climbing up the stair to coming down smoothly by escalator there is science. But everything becomes bane when it is misused. So guys and gals give your best to prove it boon as you need it even though if you don't want.


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