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last year 69 of companies were hit by computer viruses

viruses can now crash computers,steal information and destroy data. viruses are flying around the net like gnats, and keeping your PC healthy is a challenge 


A computer virus is a program that Infects part of the system. Causes some sort of damage or data loss. And produces copies of it to spread to other computers some viruses have been known to destroy the data structure of an entire hard drive or even to damage the infected computer’s BIOS chip (without which a computer doesn’t work at all); others simply target and destroy one type of file, such as program executable or documents.
What are worms and Trojans?
Worms behave almost exactly the same as viruses, expect that they don’t damage data- they exist only to reproduce them and spread to other computers. However, if a worm infects a company’s network, it can set off a deluge of interoffice e-mail which can bring down the company’s computers.
Trojan are small, innocent-looking programs that, once executed, allow intruders to assume partial or full control of an Internet- connected computer remotely, from their own pc
Tips to protect your pc from virus
Before you lose a day’s work to the latest malicious virus, follow these precautions.
Don’t Open Attachments
A virus may take the mailing list from an infected Computer and send our new message with a destructive payload attached your friend may not even know that he or she is spreading a viruses before you open it.
Update your email program
If you run MS outlook, download, Microsoft’s outlook security Patch from Microsoft CD or Microsoft Website.
Scan your System Regularly
If you are loading antivirus software for the first time. It’s a good idea to let it scan your entire system. Its better to start with your pc clean and free of virus problems.
Often, the antivirus program can be set to scan each time the computer is rebooted or on a periodic schedule
Update your antivirus
Have virus protection software Installed, make sure it’s up to date

If you get a virus don’t panic
Ø  Install best antivirus
Ø  Enable windows firewall
Ø  Backup your  Data


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